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Like a mother

I don't have children but I have nephews, which is similar haha. A few days ago my little nephew, Liam was born. He is very calm, only cry when he has hungry. He has apnea, which means he can't breath sometimes when he's asleep, so we have to take care of him and use a machine all the time. Liam has a sister and a brother, both are little too, so I help my sister to take care of them.

The girl's name is Alma and she's 1 year old, and the other boy is Maximo and he's 3 years old. Both are very intelligent, it's extraordinary how they learn things so fast. I laugh a lot with them. And they are good brother and sister with the little Liam.

They are very dependent, I have to make their milk and food, I have to change their clothes, their diapers, play with them, bathing them, sleep them and other things. It's really exhausting, especially because it has been difficult for me to handle it with my studies. But I love them so much, and they need me, because their father have to work, and my sister can't take care of them alone.

Now with this process I can understand the strong that are the mothers, the patience their have. And also learned I don't want to be a mother haha I think with this little babies I completed my maternity


  1. I understand a lot your situation! I have just one niece, but it's very exhausting too, I can't imagine how it's with three children. You are undoubtedly an admirable aunt <3

  2. I very much agree with what you say, being a mother is guiding a soul, it seems to me a very big responsibility and you are the best aunt

  3. Hi! Congratulations for yuor nephew!! I think kids are awesome, I´v always loved them and I think I´v always wanted to be a mother someday. I know that children are difficult to raise, I´v help a friend who is a mother and has a beutiful little boy that I loved so I learned how difficult it is. You are an amazing aunt and it´s it’s admirable what you do for your nephews.


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